Habitat Creation

Whether creating new habitats, or enhancing existing ones, we work to meet client requirements for mitigation schemes and biodiversity net gain targets, to safeguard local species and habitats.

Habitat creation involves some of our most varied works. We follow detailed ecological assessments to recreate habitats impacted by development to ensure displaced species have sufficient alternative habitat. We can help meet BNG targets by implementing schemes on or off site.

We plant thousands of trees each winter as new hedgerows or woodlands within habitat enhancement schemes. We can follow a planting schedule but often recommend species based on the required outcome. We also carry out aquatic planting of ponds and ditches as well as grassland creation, hibernacula, log piles, bat and bird boxes.

Although our works are often aimed to provide for a single protected species, they benefit a huge diversity of others in the process. Whether it be grassland for common lizards, woodland for dormice or ditches for water voles, the benefits are seen across the local ecological community.