
Badgers are commonly found on sites designated for development. We can work quickly to ensure badgers are protected, whilst allowing the development to continue in compliance with the legislation.

Badgers and their setts are protected under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. When a development will impact badger setts, we work with our clients to protect or relocate badgers under a European Protected Species licence. We are known for our extensive experience with this species with many successfully completed projects.

Our services include badger fencing and subterranean barriers to exclude badgers from a site, as well as sett closures and artificial sett creation to relocate them. We have a history of successful sett relocations, with badgers adopting our artificial setts within days.

Sett closures can only be carried out from July to November, so works must be carefully planned to avoid costly delays. Knowledge of badger behaviour is essential for works to be carried out correctly and to a high standard which will ensure the successful delivery of a project on time. We have gained this knowledge through the varied and complex projects we have completed.